Current pregnancy happenings:
- The most horrifying, severe, debilitating hip pain!!! Not that I'm complaining or anything...
- Baby enjoys using the womb as her trampoline 24/7. We like to party at midnight. She is 100 times more active than Payton ever was.
- Way more emotional this time around. Damn you pregnancy hormones! Luckily hubby has been so understanding and sweet.
- My appetite has slowed down a bit. I went through a phase where I wanted to eat all the time and I ate A LOT. I was putting my husband to shame, but now I am only hungry or in the mood for certain things.
- No stretch marks or anything yet - crossing my fingers since I am so huge this time around!
- Weight: 130 lbs. +15 from pre-pregnancy (114-115 lbs.) Eeek!!
- I feel as if time is speeding by while simultaneously dragging on...
- I nap almost any day that I get a chance! I have really been struggling with fatigue. According to my doctor its probably from my anemia but I also chalk it up to my two lovely ladies. They are so worth every ache, pain, and sleepless night!
- AND I have almost everything we need I just need to clean and set everything up. The only thing I have to get is a toddler bed or another crib (But I have a bassinet for the first couple months anyways), some winter newborn clothes, newborn diapers and more cloth diapers. :)