Payton's sleep habits have been changing constantly since the day she was born. I will not advocate one sleep method over another because every baby is different and everyone has their own parenting styles. I have tried every NON Cry-it-Out method and letting her cry for 3-5 minutes at a time and then going in to soothe her/pick her up/put paci in in between the intervals of crying. This worked best for us, sort of a modified Ferber method at almost 5 months.
...And I am proud to say I am STILL a zombie mommy. Sleeping through the night for me is getting 4-5 straight hours of sleep. Aren't you jealous? This is a treat compared to when she was waking every 45 minutes at 4 and 1/2 months old because she needed me to put her back to sleep every time. Right now we are going through a rough patch of extreme overtiredness, teething, and always wanting mommy so, in other words, we are back to waking every few hours and then wanting to party at 3 a.m. She thinks it is both fun and funny to keep us up with her and see us dragging our lifeless bodies around for 2 straight hours in the middle of the night. Not as much to my amusement! I can't help but laugh sometimes though. You have to find the humor in parenting or you won't come out alive.
Blake has been going through a rough patch too! I've been getting 3 hours ina row on a GOOD night... BOO!!